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Pinewood Derby Schedule

It’s Pinewood Derby time!

This year’s schedule will be similar to previous years’ due to the size of the pack. The idea is to stagger the arrival and check-in process to make it more fun for all.

We have seven classes of races: Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos I, Webelos II, Family & Friends, Masters.

The plan is to run the Friends & Family race (i.e., for siblings and young family friends) and the Master’s Race (for adults who are serious about the competition) in the middle of the other racing (i.e., after the Wolves, and before the Bears). Otherwise the racing is scheduled as youngest scouts first and older scouts later. Awards are presented after the race for that class is complete.

Racers may leave and take their cars after their class is complete. They are also invited to stay and watch if they like (the more the merrier).

Please bring lunch for you and your family if the schedule has you there during your lunch hour. We’ll make sure that there are tables in the hall set aside for those that need them (please clean up after yourself).


9:30  Workers arrive
10:00 – 10:45 – Registration for Tigers and Wolves
11:00 – 12:00 – Racing of Tiger and Wolf Classes
11:30 – 12:15 – Registration for ALL OTHER CLASSES
12:30 – 2:00 – Racing for ALL OTHER CLASSES

Racing in the first section will be Tigers, then Wolves in that order.

Racing in the second section will be Friends & Family, Masters, Bears, Webelos I, and Webelos II, in that order.

We expect to be done racing around 2:00 or 2:30.

After the formal racing is complete, we’ll have open racing for a short period, then cleanup starts. Open racing means that the racers can pair-up with a friend(s) and race their cars in whatever combination they want.

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